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Mannigfache Wege gehen die Menschen.
Wer sie verfolgt...wird wunderliche Figuren entstehen sehen.
Jenny Strakovsky, Ph.D.
Humanist, Teacher, Designer, Career Coach
Researcher of the Meaningful Life
People take a multitude of paths.
Whoever follows them...will see wondrous shapes unfold.
Novalis, 1798
in transit / unterwegs / по пути
Getting to know Atlanta and Georgia.
The Metamorphosis of Plants
In Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen, Goethe describes how a rose"grows through itself" (durchgewachsene Rose), destroying its own flower to create a new bud. I had thought that Goethe's claims are a metaphor for the passage of time, until one day, I saw the process he described on a real plant. So often, we use metaphors to describe reality. It was amazing to see reality depict a metaphor.
These photos were taken at Monterey Bay, America's largest national marine sanctuary and an Important Ecological Area within the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. The living things in these photos are approximately 1-2 mm long.
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